Moving IDS to a laptop helps technicians by integrating access to both diagnostics and service information on a single, powerful machine. IDS is enhanced WDS software that was modified to run on a standard laptop platform, and utilizes the VCM and VMM. One IDS Package is recommended for each WDS in the dealership. As the new diagnostic tool, IDS will be required to perform diagnostics on future model year vehicles. The IDS application will perform the identical functions of the WDS and allows dealership technicians to diagnose and service Ford, Lincoln, Mercury vehicles. The IDS package replaces the Worldwide Diagnostic System (WDS).

Question about online functions when enter the account password interface : if when jump page (the ActiveX controller is not enabled or not installed, please be sure to enable all the ActiveX controller prompts) on this site is typically IE browser has a problem, suggest that install the latest version of Internet explorer and use IE browser setting as the default browser Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS): The Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) will be the only equipment that provides complete diagnostic coverage.When running the software, please select the appropriate model (Ford or Mazda) ) Only by connecting devices can IDS software be run. IDS software must be run by IDS5Loader (IDS software can not be started directly) when using IDS.After successful installation of IDS software, install IDS5Loader startup software and install it by default (check the Ford/Mazda IDS Programming Menu Patch option unless the computer system reports an error and the prompt point "Confirm" and "Yes" appears).When installing IDS software, install the initial version of the subsequent upgrade patch version.Install Ford(New lincoln) IDS/ Mazda IDS software according to the default path installation (not change the installation path) ,Please Exit or uninstall anti-virus software before installing software.IDS is a flexible diagnostic tool that utilizes standard computing platforms to work with Fords VCM, VCM II, VCMM and VMM devices.

Ford(New lincoln) and Mazda IDS software cannot install the same computer at the same time. Integated Diagnostic Software (IDS) - The factory Ford Motor Company vehicle diagnostic software provides complete dealership level vehicle diagnostic coverage for all 1996 to present Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles.