Other than that minor wrinkle, it’s all fairly straight forward. The biggest hassle with be configuring repos if you are used to just typing a remote + refspec being something you have to do at the very start of your projects.

Of interest, revert via compare isn’t typically offered by other clients, who focus strongly on ‘revert via reset’. Working with a cloned repo is a breeze, offering a fairly easily understood experience. The user experience is just what you’d expect from an IDE solution – it’s a slick experience. If you know how to fly the eclipse market, it’s a snap to get your hands on it. Or the first mentioned in this article – take your pick. It’s another fancy it just works solution. Msysgit will help you to debug your git environment by providing a similar set of features as the linux git client.Į-Git. Pain points will include ssh keys (you have to get your hands dirty with putty/pagaent, as with many things involving ssh keys on windows), and if you don’t have your merge tool (TortoiseMerge is highly recommended) available, it’s back to manual merging. You’ll find yourself stepping out of the typical windows command prompt and into cygwin for every little task, you’ll type ‘ls’ instead of ‘dir’ 9 times out of 10 – and you’ll feel right at home using git in this fashion.

Msysgit is a handy little packaging of the git toolset in a cygwin environment. Highly recommended to use and know well if you aim to do any remote work (ie via ssh) using git, or any tasks involving automation (say, a mirroring your svn to git), it’s the first choice to make. While it’s aimed at power users, quite a lot of effort has been put in to make git more user friendly, with recommendations when you get commands slightly wrong and fairly informative errors. This is the most flexible, most hacker points way to use git, but chances are if you are the type of person to do it, you could tell us twelve more awesome things that are possible.